A Hair Transplant Procedure Explained

A hair transplant procedure is a cosmetic surgery that replaces thinning or balding areas of the scalp with new healthy follicles. It can also restore eyelashes, eyebrows, chest or beard hair and even repair scars caused by accidents or previous surgeries. The first step in a hair transplant is to select the right donor area. Your doctor will usually recommend the back of your head, although body hair (chin, chest, and even beard) can also be used. You and your doctor will discuss your goals and the number of grafts you will need to achieve your desired results.무모증모발이식시술

Your doctor will perform the actual hair transplant using one of two techniques. In the first, your surgeon will make a shallow cut around three sides of the donor area. The fourth side remains attached, maintaining its original blood supply. The surgeon then lifts this flap and shifts it over the balding area. The surgeon will then create slits in the scalp where the follicular units will be placed.

The surgeon will then trim away any extra skin and hair that’s not needed to give you a more natural-looking result. You’ll need a follow up procedure to heal the transplanted follicles and ensure that they will survive. During this time, you should take care not to rub or pull your hair and avoid any traumatic activities.

After your hair transplant has healed, you’ll need to get your follicular units checked for signs of infection or inflammation. It is normal to experience some swelling or redness of the scalp after a hair transplant, but this should subside within a few days. If it doesn’t, contact your doctor immediately.

You may also have some bleeding during the recovery period, which is normal for any surgical procedure. This is because the follicles are fragile and have been moved from their natural position. Occasionally, the recipient site will lose some of its new hair follicles, which is called shock loss and usually lasts for several months or more. However, this is usually temporary and can be relieved with medication or compresses.

If you have any questions about a hair transplant, consult with a surgeon who specializes in it. It is important to find a specialist who is registered with the Care Quality Commission and employs doctors licensed by the General Medical Council. This will help you ensure that the surgeon you choose is a professional with an excellent track record and a high level of skill.모우다의원