Dental Implants

dental implant

Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial teeth that look, feel and function like natural teeth. They are an excellent choice for replacing missing teeth, and can help prevent bone loss in the jaw. A dental implant consists of a small metal anchor that sits in the jaw bone, a prosthetic tooth that replaces your natural tooth root and an abutment, which connects the two. Generally, the best candidate for a dental implant is in good overall health and does not smoke. Other important factors include adequate bone volume and proper gum tissue to support the restoration. If you are considering dental implants, ask your dentist or dental practitioner for more information about the procedure and a referral to an oral surgeon if appropriate.대구임플란트잘하는곳

During the implant process, you may experience some discomfort. This can be controlled with prescription or over-the-counter pain medications. Swelling and bruising of the gums and face can also occur. However, most patients report that the discomfort is less than that associated with a tooth extraction.

In general, dental implants have a success rate of up to 98%. When properly cared for, they can last a lifetime.

Preparing for a Dental Implant

Initially, your dentist will take X-rays and 3D images of the mouth and jaw. These models are then used to create a treatment plan that fits your needs. In some cases, the model will be loaded into a computer to generate virtual implants and a restoration that supports them. The planning phase can involve a doctor who specializes in conditions of the mouth, jaw and face (oral and maxillofacial surgeon), a dentist who treats the structures that support the teeth, such as the gums and bones (periodontist) or a dentist who designs and fits artificial teeth (prosthodontist).

After an examination and medical history, your dentist will determine if you are a candidate for a dental implant. Insufficient bone volume, periodontitis (gum disease) or other chronic illnesses can affect the stability of dental implants and should be treated prior to surgery. Patients who smoke or use tobacco can delay the healing process and should stop smoking before surgery.

A surgical procedure is performed to place the dental implant in the jaw bone. The site is then closed with gum tissue and allowed to heal, which takes up to six months. During this time, it is important to eat soft foods and avoid excessive pressure on the implant site. If you are using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, you should also stop taking them. If the implant does not heal, it may be necessary to remove it and try again.

During the healing process, the implant becomes integrated into the jaw bone, which is called osseointegration. Osseointegration is the key to the long-term success of dental implant treatment. The surface of the implant has a significant effect on integration; a porous titanium surface is more likely to integrate into the bone than a smooth, machined surface. A variety of surfaces are available, including a grit-blasted or acid-etched surface, a plasma-sprayed hydroxyapatite coating and zirconia (nonmetal). In some cases, the abutment can be attached to the restoration before the gum tissue heals.램브란트치과