
How to Get a Woman’s Start-Up Off the Ground

Despite gender biases and other obstacles, women-led start-ups are growing in popularity. According to Forbes, between 2017 and 2018, women launched an average of 1,821 new businesses a day. While some of these companies are based on tech, others are designed to solve real-world problems. A few examples include She Built This City, a company founded in 2019 to boost female representation in trades, building and contracting, and Spark Building Group, an enterprise that offers a unique approach to project management.

Many of these ventures are born out of the founder’s personal experience, which is a big reason why they’re so successful. While it’s great that entrepreneurs are tackling issues that affect them, it’s also important to note that these types of start-ups can be more difficult to fund than their male counterparts. As such, it’s important to make sure that your business plan accounts for the increased expenses associated with starting a woman-led venture.

Another common challenge faced by female start-up founders is balancing work and family life. While this is a problem that can impact any type of entrepreneur, it’s especially difficult for women who have children or other dependents to care for. This is one of the reasons why it’s so important to have a clear vision of what you hope to achieve with your business and how it fits into your overall life goals.창업아이템

One way to get around this is by focusing on ventures with a strong social impact, such as those mentioned above. This will help to attract the attention of investors who are committed to supporting female-led startups. In addition to this, female founders should consider how they can leverage their existing networks to help with getting their start-up off the ground.

For example, if a woman has family or friends who are interested in her start-up, she should speak with them about the possibility of lending her some initial capital to help with the financial start-up costs. However, a word of caution: Be careful about taking money from those close to you because it can sometimes come with strings attached. It’s a good idea to exhaust other funding options, like grants and loans specifically earmarked for women-led start-ups, before taking on any debt from family or friends.여자창업

Additionally, women-identifying entrepreneurs can join Startup Women to connect with industry experts and support organizations that are looking to lend their expertise to early-stage entrepreneurs. The free program includes webinars, industry advisory circles and in-person meetings with Startup Women Leaders across Canada.