Making Greek Yogurt is Easy and Rewarding

Making Greek yogurt

Making Greek Yogurt is Easy and Rewarding

Making your own yogurt is easy and rewarding. It is a great project for kids to get involved in and they will love the sense of accomplishment when it is finished. It is also a good way to save money and avoid the unnecessary additives in most store bought yogurts.그릭요거트그래놀라

Using a slow cooker or large stock pot will help to keep the milk at a consistent luke warm temperature which is optimum for yogurt making. It is important to use a thermometer and not over heat the milk as this will destroy the healthy bacteria that you are trying to cultivate. A cooking thermometer can be purchased at most kitchen stores or even online.

After the milk has cooled to a temperature that is a little warmer than your skin (it should not burn) add the yogurt and stir well. Once the yogurt is mixed well let it sit undisturbed at a constant luke warm temperature for about 8 hours or overnight.

This time the yogurt will begin to thicken and a whey liquid will separate from it. The whey can be used to make other things such as butter, dips, smoothies and soups. It is also a good source of protein. When the whey has been separated from the yogurt it is ready to be strained to make it thicker. It can take anywhere from a few hours to several hours to strain the yogurt to achieve a thickness that is like Greek-style yogurt.

When you are happy with the consistency of the yogurt it is ready to be stored in the refrigerator. It is best to put it in a jar or other container with a lid that can be tightly closed. A tight lid will help to keep it from spoiling too quickly. You can also wrap the container in a towel or place it in a small cooler with a heating pad set to high wrapped around it.

Homemade yogurt is an excellent source of calcium and a delicious addition to any breakfast or snack. It can be eaten plain or topped with your favorite fruit, nuts, coconut, chocolate or any other flavor that you enjoy. It is a healthier alternative to most store-bought yogurt and it has the added benefit of being very low in sugar.

If you are a lactose intolerant person, straining the yogurt can help you to digest it better as it will remove most of the hard to digest lactose. You can also find some yogurt that is already strained at the supermarket so that you can skip this step if you want to. However, if you have the time to spare this is an excellent recipe that can provide a lot of health benefits. It is also a fun and inexpensive project to do with children. You can make a variety of different flavors that will please everyone in your family. You can even experiment with the type of sweetener that you prefer.베어그릭스