병원경영 is..
Do you want hospital management? I asked a very natural question ^^ I think the directors who run hospitals would of course want it. So, you will be informing the hospital through various routes. One of them seems to be an online hospital advertisement.
The director and hospital staff who are reading this right now are probably trying to find out if they are already doing it, but the results are not working properly, or it has just opened and is trying to start.
Today, I would like to share for hospital management with you three things you must remember before advertising through online channels to attract new patients in hospital advertisements.
The most important hospital management
What do you think is the most important thing in hospital advertising? It could be an in-hospital facility, and I think the director’s biography, experience, and cost will give you a variety of answers. So, most of the time when you run your ads, emphasize these areas a lot.
But there is something more important than this. It’s the patient’s heart. Rather than notifying that our hospital is doing well, it is most important to know how patients choose the hospital.
After knowing how to find out and decide how to visit, it is better to let us know what our hospital is doing well.
Hospital management is very important
High involvement means high interest. The higher the involvement of the product or industry, the more deeply it compares the price, quality, and service before using it. Hospitals are also highly involved industries.
If you understand this, you will understand the meaning of 100 more than 1 and 1.000 more than 100. Here, 1 is a representative keyword, and 100 and 1.000 are detailed keywords.
Online, where information is obtained through search, decisions are not made with only a few specific representative keywords. That’s why I need to select a lot of keywords related to my hospital, and spread it on many channels. It is important to make our hospital visible on at least one of the channels available to patients.

마케팅 원칙

Throw away representative keywords
Basically, when you hospital management, you go through what is called keyword exposure. When many directors meet for the first time, inquire about the top exposure of specific representative keywords. However, if you understand the hospital decision stage through patient search, you can see that the top exposure of representative keywords is not important. Those of you who frequent my blog will know the pros and cons of representative keywords and detailed keywords. 병원마케팅 In the case of high-involvement industries like hospitals, the conversion rate of detailed keywords is higher than that of representative keywords.
Hospital management is very important
High involvement means high interest. The higher the involvement of the product or industry, the more deeply it compares the price, quality, and service before using it. Hospitals are also highly involved industries.
If you understand this, you will understand the meaning of 100 more than 1 and 1.000 more than 100. Here, 1 is a representative keyword, and 100 and 1.000 are detailed keywords.
Online, where information is obtained through search, decisions are not made with only a few specific representative keywords. That’s why I need to select a lot of keywords related to my hospital, and spread it on many channels. It is important to make our hospital visible on at least one of the channels available to patients.